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On-line term paper, research paper, and essay service since 1994. The Paper Store is one of the oldest and most trusted Research Paper and Essay Services available to students.

We were established in 1994 and have assisted well over 5 million students by providing quality research and writing for all types of term papers, essays, book reports, dissertations and theses. Search for free, our extensive database of over 120,000 pre-written term papers, essays and more or hire us to custom research and write a new example paper specifically for you!

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Recent Custom Written Essays, Research Papers, and Term Papers

Family Nurse Practitioner/NP Practice Plan

10 page paper
This 10 page paper discusses plans to implement a FNP personal practice. Bibliography lists 15 sources. ... MORE


5 page paper
This 5-page paper focuses on a blockchain environmental analysis. The focus is on economic impacts, impacts on NGOs, the overall climate/environment, social media and politics. Bibliography lists 7 sources. ... MORE

Correctional Health Care/Back Pain

12 page paper
This 12 page paper, which includes a 1 page abstract and a 1 page appendix, proposes a research study that concerns an intervention for addressing chronic back pain. Bibliography lists 12 sources. ... MORE

Reducing Polypharmacy Among Elderly Patients

5 page paper
This 5 page paper addresses the problem of decreasing the incidence of polypharmacy among elderly patients. Incidence, a literature review and hypothesis for a research project is discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources. ... MORE

Helen Fisher/The brain in love

3 page paper
This 3 page paper pertains to the TED talk given by research Helen Fisher, "The brain in love," which relates her research on the brains of people in love. Bibliography lists only this site. ... MORE


5 page paper
This 5-page paper examines the challenges of nutritional intervention among Aboriginal populations of Australia when it comes to diabetes management. The Looma Lifestyle program is discussed. Bibliography lists 7 sources. ... MORE


Term Papers on Latin-American

Term Papers on Literature

Term Papers on Medicine

Term Papers on Business Management

Term Papers on Transportation

Term Papers on Music Film TV & Theater

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