Essays and Research Papers on Holocaust Studies

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A 5 page discussion and review of Allan Bullock's biography of the person who would come to be known as the 20th century's most evil individual. The book examines Hitler's reign in terms of political theory and ideology -- outlining how he represented a definitive example genuine tyranny. No Bibliography or additional sources used.

6 pages in length. The distinction between narrative and fiction is that narrative is derived from reality, whereas fiction is born of someone's imagination. That is not to say that either one presents a better form of documentary than the other, but rather to recognize that one's foundations is based in truth, while ...

William Poundstone's Prisoner's Dilemma is a philosophical biography of the mathemetician, John von Neumann. Owing to his history and circumstances, Von Neumann was a staunch believer in the Nazi threat and, later, the threat of communism. He believed that if using the hydrogen bomb would stop the spread of those particular political regimes, ...

5 pages in length. Human behavior is a complicated and curious equation. The answer to why a particular action is exhibited may be locked away in centuries worth of evolution, yet it continues to be displayed even today. Contemporary sociologists have come to understand that the human mental condition is part of a ...

5 pages in length. The writer discusses the extent to which the Allied powers knew of the Nazi's policy against Jews and why they did not intervene. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 4 page research paper and analysis of Anne Michaels' novel 'Fugitive Pieces.' This compelling story concerns the lives of two men who are affected by the Holocaust and the transformational power of love. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 6 page report provides a geopolitical analysis of pre-WWII Germany and the factors that led to the Holocaust. What were the factors that led to the mass consciousness bent on the annihilation of the Jewish people and Hitler's rise to power? Only the most brief overview of one of the most horrendous events ...

Hitler's Rise To Power

  • 6 page paper

6 pages in length. A discussion of Germany during the 1920's and early 1930's - with focus on how economic conditions facilitated Hitler's rise to power. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 6 page paper discusses three of the stories told by Yaffa Eliach in "Hasidic Tales of the Holocaust." The three stories illustrate the power of faith and hope to restore the world, even during and after a horror such as the Holocaust. Only one source other than the book itself is cited in ...

Hitler's Rise To Power

  • 5 page paper

5 pages in length. Many issues come to mind when one considers the reasons behind Hitler's rise to power – the Treaty of Versailles, the Munich Putsch of 1923, the economic depression, the 1933 Papen and Hindenburg decision to appoint him as chancellor, the Enabling law of 1933 – however, none made quite the ...

An 11 page paper discussing the background of Hitler's rise to power in the 1920s and early 1930s. It considers the social, economic, and emotional factors that contributed to the development of the Third Reich. Bibliography lists five sources.

A 5 page overview of definition of 'genocide' in terms on Native American history when compared with Jewish history in World War II. Makes extensive reference to, and rebuts the philosophies of Steven Katz, author of 'The Holocaust in a Historical perspective'. Concludes that the Native American peoples experienced genocide just as assuredly ...

An 8 page paper which examines what was being written about the Holocaust from 1990 to 1995. The paper examines the type of information coming out at that time and discusses what was happening in the country as it may relate to Holocaust examinations. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

Hitler's Popularity

  • 5 page paper

5 pages in length. Adolph Hitler sought to create a world where only a certain populace was allowed to live and flourish. He and his men believed that all nations were as devious as they were, instilling within themselves a sense of betrayal even before it ever was to occur. Indeed, Hitler's ...

A 15 page critique of Shirer's book. The critique considers Shirer's use of his own personal experiences, Nazi documentation and visual representation of their own operations in support of an argument in support of the work as a good representation of historical fact. The argument is contrasted to arguments against the validity of ...

A 3 page review of the movie in which the writer provides a brief plot summary and examines the question of whether or not the movie accurately represents the history of the time period it depicts.

The selected passage introduces the reader to the concentration camp, just as the experience it describes was Eli Wiesel's introduction. The imagery is extremely powerful. This 6 page paper examines the reference to the crematorium within this passage and elucidates on the history and meaning of crematoriums to assist in understanding the reading ...

One writer's emotional reaction -- reflecting upon the content of a course entitled "Literature of the Holocaust" and discussing in great detail what various works meant in terms of their contributive value. The writer realizes that the Holocaust must never be forgotten nor underplayed in the pages of history. Mentioned are the writings of Primo ...

This eight-page paper gives an overview of the U.S. National Holocaust Memorial and Museum. The history of the museum and the various exhibitions that are on display are discussed and described. Bibliography lists seven sources.

The history of anti-Semitism predates the political rise of Adolph Hitler or the Third Reich. This 7 page paper addresses a few of the more pressing issues surrounding the Holocaust. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 5 page paper discussing current wartime accounts from Russia, Japan and Poland. Much of the recollections originating in these three nations can be traced forward to current beliefs and attitudes. These current tensions likely would be very different today had history been different, but it also appears that they also could hold a different face if ...

This 5 page paper addresses the topic through a look at quantum mechanics. Several aspects about the divide between "Aryan" and "Jewish " science are discussed. History is provided to support the reasons why Nazi science probably failed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 4 page research paper that encompasses 4 short 1-page essays on topics related to the Holocaust. Topics include discussion of the first chapter of Elie Wiesel’s Night; reaction to Wiesel’s first hours in Auschwitz; discussion of images from Alain Resnais’ Night and Fog; and discussion of chapter 1 from Wiernik’s A Year in Treblinka. ...

A 3 page essay that summarizes and records the writer's reactions to John Sack's essay "Inside the Bunker." In this essay, Sack discusses the philosophy of people who deny that the Holocaust happened. The writer argues that Sack's principal thesis is that hate begets hate and that it is only through abdicating hate that people ...

This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of fictional accounts of the Holocaust. A fictional story is presented that utilizes the techniques of Wiesel's "Night". Bibliography lists 6 sources.

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