Essays and Research Papers on Juvenile Justice

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on Juvenile Justice that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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This 7 page report discusses juvenile delinquency and the factors associated with contributing to it. In the lexicon of modern mental health and sociological professions, acting-out or delinquent behavior is recognized as an associated feature of adolescent depressive disorders. The term “juvenile delinquency” has also evolved as a legal term that refers to the actions taken by children and adolescents that ...

Gang Violence

  • 10 page paper

A 10 page study on gang violence and juvenile delinquency addressing types of gangs and gang behaviors, causes, prevention and legal measures that deal with gangs. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

Minor In Possession

  • 3 page paper

3 pages in length. Martin Rudy has been charged with Minor in Possession (M.I.P.), a charge that brings with it a citation written by a police officer for the infraction of being under legal drinking age and getting caught with alcohol in his possession, ownership or control. However, the burden of proof rests ...

A 4 page paper which examines the history of juvenile boot camps. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 10 page paper examines juvenile justice in general but highlights this law. Whether state laws help or hinder justice in general is discussed. Federal protections like Miranda are included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

This is a 7 page paper discussing juvenile delinquency and victimization in relation to societal norms, and peer and familial groups. The definition of deviance has changed over the centuries and what were once considered acts of demonic possession in regards to criminal action are now considered violent reactions to elements within society. Juvenile delinquents ...

A 5 page exploration of the topic of kids and hacking, the non-malicious but unauthorized entry into private computer systems. Addresses the problem of hacking and suggests ways to deal with these cases from both a legal standpoint and a parental guidance standpoint. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This is a 7 page paper discussing fetal alcohol syndrome, its incidence, cost to society and relation in the criminal justice system. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE), Alcohol-Related Neurodevelopmental Disorders (ARND), Alcohol-Related Birth Defects (ARBD) and alcohol-exposed Static Encephalopathy (SE) are all terms for the defect which occurs to a child when ...

A 9 page paper on the growing problem of juvenile delinquency in our society. It gives some insight into the history of our prison system, and talkes about some of the concerns and possible solutions to this manacing problem facing our nation. The focus of the paper is on New Jersey's youth crime ...

An 18 page paper which examines whether or not juvenile offenders should be tried as adults. In presenting this examination the paper also discusses the history of juvenile justice, illustrating how juveniles were often treated as adults. The paper leans towards juveniles being tried as adults when they are of an age to warrant such treatment, but also argues ...

A through 7 page discussion and review of a 1994 article from the journal Criminology entitled : "The Influence of Delinquent Peers: What they think or what they do ?"

A 20 page review of juvenile crime, its causes, and the measures which have been implemented to address it. The contention is presented that restorative justice, an alternative approach to correction emphasizing communication and reconciliation between victim, offender, and community is superior to many other approaches. Bibliography lists 19 sources.

10 pages in length. The notion that illiteracy is directly associated with the incidence of juvenile delinquency has received significant consideration within the psychological and educational communities. Clearly, if an individual does not possess the ability to read or write, the mere act of obtaining – much less advancing in – a good ...

A 4 page research paper that discusses the influence of gender and family on juvenile delinquency. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

In 5 pages the author discusses fighting crime with education. Juveniles released from their punishments after committing a crime should be required to attend educational programs that are designed to keep them from committing future crimes. Many of the programs available for those juveniles are effective. Juvenile crime can truly be fought with ...

5 pages in length. One of the primary methods by which juvenile delinquents within the California penal system are rehabilitated and ultimately reintroduced into society is through the means of education. While this approach is both prudent and successful in its ability to redirect wayward youth, there is often a segment of this ...

This 5 page paper discusses the S.A.V.E. program which is in schools across the country. This paper analyzes the impact of this program, how it is implemented, and the results of the program. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 4 page paper on the best way to use government funds to prevent and treat juvenile delinquency. The writer suggests two programs that deserve funding, as an alternative to incarceration. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A thoroughly-researched 20 page paper on juvenile delinquency & gangs. Broken down into sections with subheadings, the writer examines : the severity of gangs in the inner-city, girls in gangs, Federal government efforts to curtail gang violence, the philosophy of the church, the causal factors of such violence, and what can be done to stop ...

This 11 page report discusses the exploitation of children around the world, especially in Third World nations, as a source of cheap and compliant labor. Governments, businesses, and individual consumers have an obligation to do what they can to bring a halt to the exploitation of children throughout the world. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

This 5 page report discusses the exploitation of children around the world, especially in India, Pakistan, and South America, as a source of cheap and compliant labor. Governments, businesses, and individual consumers have an obligation to do what they can to bring a halt to the exploitation of children throughout the world. Bibliography lists 10 ...

Minors, DUI & CT Law

  • 6 page paper

A 6 page research paper/essay that investigates law pertaining to minors and driving while under the influence, with particular regard for Connecticut law. This discussion explores the rights and consequences of legal decision-making on the part of minors, and then discusses the implications of the research. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 4 page paper discusses criminal law; its functions; its sources; and how criminal responsibility can be limited. It also touches very briefly on the constitutional safeguards that limit the exercise of criminal law. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

Gangs / Chicago & L.A.

  • 8 page paper

An 8 page research overview of the social and economic factors affecting the establishment of gangs in Chicago and Los Angeles, the 'political' differences between the formation of the gangs, expansion of gang territories, and the differences between law enforcement efforts. The writer supports the argument that the most effective form of enforcement has ...

8 pages in length. The escalating presence of violence in today's schools has necessitated a unique yet wholly functional approach to counterbalancing this dangerous phenomenon. While some schools employ the limited protection of, for example, metal detection devices, others are utilizing the benefits of School Resource Officers (SROs), who occupy three specific and ...

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