Essays and Research Papers on The Courtroom

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on The Courtroom that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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A Day in Court # 5

  • 12 page paper

12 pages in length. Same as Court2.wps- only the described court session takes place in East Windsor Township (NJ) Municipal court and includes one chart illustrating various sentences and penalties in New Jersey.

(The) Abortion Bill

  • 6 page paper

A 6 page essay detailing the evolution of legislation concerning abortion in the mid 1990's from its initial controversy until its legal passing as a bill. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

3 pages worth of short essays analyzing and responding to specific textbook cases involving Defenses to Criminal Liability : Excuses. Writer takes the role of both a public defendant and prosecutor. No Bibliography. Please write for more information.

This 10 page paper considers the issue of punitive damages and the changing perspectives in recent years regarding their increased prevalence and their constitutionality. This paper considers the US Supreme Court's response to cases in which punitive damages were awarded and the evaluation of constitutionality through the process of judicial review. Bibliography lists ...

A 6 page paper on small claims court. Examined are statistics concerning the number of cases tried, the procedure for filing a small claim in most states, issues, rules, loopholes, etc.; Sections also discuss which demographic groups are suing more frequently and what techniques should be established to help increase the number of inner-city minorities ...

Why Do People Sue ?

  • 7 page paper

A 7 page research paper analyzing some of the reasons why it has become so common for people to sue others in modern American society. Various types of litigation and their prevalence are examined and the writer makes several strong arguments concerning our "ability" to sue vs. our actions. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 12 page paper that considers the role of judges in the increasingly litigious American society as demonstrated by the issue of school prayer. This paper provides a number of case examples to demonstrate the complex role of judges in designing national morality. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

12 pages in length. Writer provides a comprehensive overview of Bankruptcy, the Bankruptcy Code, the Federal Bankruptcy Revision, the differences between Chapter 11 and Chapter 13, etc;. Writer uses the case of Orange County, California, a government body that filed for Bankruptcy in the mid-1990's. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

12 Angry Men

  • 3 page paper

3 page discussion of the classic 50's film '12 Angry Men'; an examination of the American system of trial by jury and the role that stereotypes and prejudices can ultimately play in the system. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 6 page paper provides an overview of the famous trial dubbed the Preppie Murder case which was later made into a TV movie. Details of the murder are included in addition to follow up in terms of Robert Chambers’ current fate. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

7 pages in length. Capital punishment was not only implemented as a painful means of death, but it was also a way of demonstrating one's mistakes in front of the community. It was a grand way in which the guilty not only paid for their crimes by forfeiting their lives, but it also served ...

This 7 page report discusses the fact that most Americans take a great deal of pride in the fact that the system of justice in the United States is the most balanced and even-handed of any judicial system in the world. However, the past several decades, if not longer, have demonstrated that it is actually the accused with the most ...

This 5 page paper considers a legal case given by the student regarding an international arbitration where one party feels they should be immune. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

Insurable Interest

  • 14 page paper

This 14 page paper looks at the concept of insurable interest and how it has been interpreted in a restrictive manner in England. The paper discusses the way that this has been interpreted and the way it appears to be evolving to suit the new modern world where international trade is increasing common. The bibliography ...

A 6 page overview of the issues surrounding civil litigation. Emphasizes that while it is true that excess litigation can prove a detriment to the country, there are definite needs which are not being addressed by the Civil Justice System. Uses examples from three books: Walter K. Olson’s “The Litigation Explosion”, Jonathan ...

This 5 page report discusses the 1997 article written by Eric Schlosser about murder in America. He wraps his story around the murder of Terri Smith by Gary Rawlings in 1987 and how events unfolded regarding the criminal justice system and the disservice done to families of murder victims. Bibliography lists only the primary source.

This 7 page paper looks at both techniques and suggests that each should be used dependent on the type of case. A testable hypothesis is discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

Contract to Purchase

  • 7 page paper

A 7 page paper discussing the situation in which Betsy Ross has purchased (and paid in full in cash) a painting for sale at an antique shop. She asked the shop owner to repair a small tear in the painting as she looked on; they both became aware of some paper folded into the item, hidden within ...

This 3 page report discusses the meaning of “constructive eviction” in the State of New York and the circumstances under which incidental or consequential damages may be available. In the most simplistic of explanations: “Constructive eviction occurs when residential rental property is an uninhabitable condition. The uninhabitable condition makes the property unsuitable to live [or work] in.” Bibliography lists 6 sources. ...

A twelve page paper which looks at the way in which due process operates, the social and cultural constructs which may affect it, the relationship of the concepts of fairness and justice to that of due process and some of the historical and cultural elements which have influenced the modern judicial system. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

This 5 page paper considers the system of prosecution that is found in the US state of Louisiana. The writer compares and contrasts the system with the United States as a whole. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

7 pages. Based on several court cases which are noted within this paper, the topic herein pertains to the statement that "parties should be encouraged as far as possible to settle their disputes without resort to litigation and should not be discouraged by the knowledge that anything that is said in the course of such ...

This 5 page paper summarizes and provides a discussion on a 2001 article that criticizes the state of litigation in America. Several cases are noted and the big tobacco lawsuit is used as a springboard for the criticism. No additional sources cited.

A 5 page paper which provides a basic overview of the court system in Germany. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

11 pages in length. With all the deception and ridicule surrounding the American judicial system, it would seem a good idea to open up the courtrooms across the country to show in intricate detail just how the process is achieved. After all, both the public and the system itself stand to learn quite ...

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