Sample Essay on:
Civil War Reconstruction: Readmission to the Union

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 5 page overview of the problems which confronted the United States in the years following the end of the Civil War. This paper emphasizes the process which occurred in regard to the reinstatement of statehood to those states who had seceded from the Union. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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5 pages (~225 words per page)

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one of the most turbulent period ever faced by this nation. The cohesion of states which formed the nation had been torn apart by ideology and war. With the end of the Civil War our nation, not yet one-hundred years old, was faced with picking up the pieces and moving on. Although the northern states had escaped the war relatively unscathed, and in fact had prospered as a result of it, the south has sustained tremendous damage both materially and ideologically. It was up to the government to reclaim what was reclaimable and to rebuild what was completely devastated. The way to accomplish this reconstruction, however, became quite controversial. One side wanted one way and the other preferred another. There was considerably friction between then President Andrew Johnson and Congress, in particular. There was even outright hostility between the President and the men who made up our Congressional body. Much of this friction and hostility revolved around how to go about restoring statehood to those states who had seceded during the war. A number of authors have covered the problems which arose during attempts to restore statehood after the Civil War. James McPhersons "Ordeal By Fire: The Civil War and Reconstruction", however, is particularly exemplary in this regard. McPherson emphasizes that the conflict which erupted between Johnson and Congress during this turbulent period was not new. It was a conflict which had been at the root of the war itself. Americans in general remained well segregated by their ideological viewpoints even after the Civil War. Much of the south had been destroyed in the ravages of the Civil War. Atlanta Georgia and Richmond Virginia were in shambles. ...

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