Sample Essay on:
Ancient Greek Philosophers

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11 pages in length. Ancient Greek philosophers helped shape the very infrastructure of contemporary thought and belief. The extent to which the likes of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Gorgias and Epicurus paved the path toward critical thought, independent ideas and new concepts is both grand and far-reaching; that each man formulated individual components of today's ability to understand myriad realities speaks to the tremendous contributions this collective of ancient Greek thinkers made to the world's knowledge, understanding and capacity for reason. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

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which the likes of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Gorgias and Epicurus paved the path toward critical thought, independent ideas and new concepts is both grand and far-reaching; that each man formulated individual components of todays ability to understand myriad realities speaks to the tremendous contributions this collective of ancient Greek thinkers made to the worlds knowledge, understanding and capacity for reason. "While poets and other early Greeks surely depicted men thinking... the idea of reason as an integrated system of abilities is a philosophical the modern mind, reason has come to be thought of as that which processes data, calculates means to ends, allows us to acquire knowledge, and so forth, so that it would seem to have been always a rather obvious human capacity. Reason for the Greek philosophers, however, was neither the piecemeal responses the poets portrayed nor the neutral instrument the modern concept involves."1 II. PLATO/ARISTOTLE Examining the relevant worthiness of Aristotelian and Platonic philosophy requires one to assess the fundamental values of both approaches. Indeed, Aristotle may have been Platos "most illustrious pupil;"2 however, he did not share his instructors view of substance and causality. When one compares the two concepts, one finds that Aristotles concrete, scientific theories are more relevant than Platos deductive and abstract ideology. Aristotle believed that people who waste time believing or fearing that which is untrue could not possibly be happy; as such, they could change the course of this careless habit and start dwelling upon reasonable thought. If Aristotle thought this could be taught into a habit, he undoubtedly felt the opposite could be true: that wastefulness was nothing but a habit as well. For it was also said that one can easily recognize in ...

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