Essays and Research Papers on Political Theory

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A 5 page paper which examines how the ideas of John Locke were put into the Declaration of Independence, The Rights of Man and the Citizen, and the Declaration of Independence of Vietnam. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 6-page paper attempts to dissect the role of government in society. Discussions include the role of government in capitalistic and socialistic systems. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 9 page review of the influence presented by special interest groups on American politics. This paper explores both the negative and the positive aspects of that impact. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

A 6 page overview of the constitutional provisions which are in place to insure that our government retains the flexibility to change as time demands change. The contention is presented that although out government has undergone an evolution, that evolution was anticipated by our founding fathers. Even such heavily criticized components of our ...

A 10 page paper which examines George Orwell’s “1984” and Max Nieman’s “Defending Government: Why Big Government Works” as they relate to warnings and positive conditions concerning a controlling, or big, government. Bibliography lists 4 additional sources.

This 5 page paper examines the monarchal and constitutional type of governments. The paper argues that the constitutional type works best. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 7 page paper provides an overview of John Locke's perspectives on government and the democratic process. This paper defines how John Locke might perceive some of the central issues of the American system of government, including separation of church and state. This paper also references Locke's influence on the development of the ...

This 3 page paper answers several questions/comments about political parties in the U.S. Bibliography lists 1 sources.

This 14 page paper compares and contrasts the two types of governments. There is a slant towards the support of the totalitarian model, negating much of the rhetoric spouted concerning the virtues of democracy. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

This 8 page paper provides numerous examples delineating the concepts considered in the creation of the American form of government. Examples of how government interacts with the nature of man to determine our behavior. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

14 pages in length. The advent of computer technology is, in and of itself, a positive move toward overall advancement, but the loss of individual privacy has come to represent a high price paid for such progress. As far as government infiltration is concerned, it has reached the point where bureaucratic functions have ...

This is a 15 page paper comparing the differences in monarchies, democracies and socialist governments. Comparisons include the traditional and theoretical definitions of each government and social system as well as modern day examples of each structure. Discussion also includes the fundamental changing roles of “class” within each government as a result of political change. ...

This 5 page report discusses four specific areas: The basic foundation and the most simple idea behind political parties, special interest groups, and social movements; Goals and tools of U.S. economic and social policies; How democratic is the U.S. government; and, the modern U.S. government and the government in 1900. No bibliography.

An 8 page overview of the form of public administration from Plato’s observations to the advent of e-government. Public administration has been accused in the past of being anything but responsive to citizens, but the current shift to e-government heightens transparency and accountability. Further, the current climate of partnership between governments and the ...

Hobbes and Locke – Political Applications or Just Ideals? : This 8-page analytical essay examines the political ideologies in Thomas Hobbes’, Leviathan and John Locke’s, Second Treaties on Government relevant to the belief that political philosophies are concerned only with what works in practice, and not just armchair discourse. Quite the contrary, ...

This 9 page report discusses issues associated with the government established by Australia’s Constitution, the debates surrounding changing it, and the most fundamental structure of Australian government. The issue of republic versus “constitutional monarchy” is discussed and the ultimate determination is made that the Constitution is not appropriate for 21st century Australia. Bibliography lists 8 sources. ...

A 9 page overview of the similarities and differences which exist between the ideologies of these two noted authors. While West attributes societal problems to our government, particularly the problems we are currently seeing in the African American community, Elshtain sees those problems as a result of individual choices. West sees advantages in ...

This 5 page paper studies three different topics that impact today’s society; concepts of freedom, equality and order; violent protests against the government and media and the government. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

5 pages in length. Privacy rights reside at the heart of what separates (neo)conservatives and (neo)liberals on the topic of child abuse. Given the fact that one side eschews virtually every attempt at government infiltration where personal choice is concerned and the other permits the inclusion of some government involvement in order to ...


  • 12 page paper

In 12 pages the author discusses democracy and the theory that democratic governments are inherently disposed against war. "The greatest impetus for world peace is the spread of democracy democracies are more peaceful than any other kind of government, and the world is growing more democratic democracies are not only slow to anger but ...

A 3 page essay that discusses the political philosophy of John Locke as set forth in his Second Treatise of Government (1690). The writer focuses on Locke's position that governments derive sovereignty from the consent of the governed and that this consent can be withdrawn. No additional sources cited.

Jefferson’s Virginia

  • 5 page paper

5 pages in length. Discussion of the book "Political Leadership in Jefferson’s Virginia" by Daniel P. Jordan. This paper explains the differences of political sentiment among the different political parties. As the book goes on to explain, the people resolve themselves naturally into two components; that of the authoritarian, which favors government ...

A 5 page essay that discusses Locke's purpose in writing his Second Treatise on Government. In his preface, Locke expresses his intention to justify the rule of King William and disprove the philosophy of Robert Filmer. In his Second Treatise, Locke succeeds in his purpose, showing that government whose sovereignty derives form the consent of ...

6 pages in length. The Bill of Rights absolved any concerns over the absence of natural rights, as well as solidified the union between democracy and liberty. In short, it established the duty of government to "guarantee certain basic liberties, to protect the autonomy and liberty of the individual" (Grant 37A). Based ...

This 7 page paper takes a look at John Locke's writings, with a focus on The Second Treatise of Civil Government, in contemplating the contradictions in his theory. The paper concludes that Locke's political theory is valid, despite inconsistencies, as those are unavoidable anyway. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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